The future of electronic invoicing.

XRechnung für öffentliche Auftraggeber und Behörden
XRechnung. Papier war gestern.

One-off, favourable purchase price

Simple, intuitive operation

Maximum security for your data

EinfachX – E-billing made easy

Companies that issue invoices to authorities in Germany or Europe in the future must be able to create and forward correct electronic invoices.
In future, only the so-called XRechnung, which offers the option of exchanging a structured data record, will be considered a proper electronic invoice. This means that all relevant invoice data can be processed automatically, i.e. by EDP and without further manual intervention, and additional documents can also be integrated if required. In some federal states, XRechnung will soon be mandatory or already is.

mehr Infos


From 1 January 2025, electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) will be partially mandatory in the B2B sector. This means that companies must issue and receive invoices in an electronic format. Ensure that your company is ready at an early stage.

Infos zur E-Rechnung
XRechnung Creator für Rechnungen im XML Format
The XCREATOR. The all-in-one solution for companies. Create, display and send XInvoices.

The XCREATOR guides you step by step to the finished XRechnung. If the coffee machine is calling, you can save temporarily at any time. To save you having to re-enter the same data for new invoices, XCREATOR offers you the option of storing invoice templates. Finished XRechnung invoices are automatically validated at the end by the generator using the official checking tool of the Coordination Centre for IT Standards (KoSIT). Everything runs locally and offline. Your data remains with you. You only need an Internet connection to send the XRechnung via e-mail with a single click.

No installation is required for the EinfachXCloud variant, just a browser. Processing takes place on German servers in compliance with the GDPR.
XML Rechnung im Viewer anzeigen lassen
The XVIEWER. The perfect solution for institutions and authorities. View, forward and print XInvoices.

The XVIEWER makes the XRechnung visible. If you receive an XRechnung that you only want to view for the time being, you can load it into the XVIEWER and receive a familiar invoice view. If necessary, you can also print out the invoice view. With just one click, you can automatically validate a received XRechnung using the official validation tool of the Coordination Centre for IT Standards (KoSIT). The whole process runs locally and offline. Your data stays with you.

EinfachX – The future of the e-bill

From 2025, significant changes will come into force that will make the invoicing process more efficient and secure for companies of all sizes. By 2028, e-invoicing will be mandatory for all taxable transactions, which will not only reduce the administrative burden but also increase transparency and traceability. The new regulations promote digitalisation and sustainability by minimising paper consumption and eliminating sources of error due to manual input. Companies benefit from faster payment processing and improved liquidity planning. Thanks to standardised formats, integration into existing ERP systems is simplified so that you can adapt your accounting processes smoothly. With our software tools, you can prepare your company perfectly for the upcoming changes.

EinfachX – Our products

XCreator - Erstellen, anzeigen und versenden von XRechnungen
The all-in-one solution. Create, display and send XRechnung invoices
  • Simple operation via drag and drop
  • Familiar invoice layout
  • Display, print and send invoices
  • Template function for frequent invoices
  • Concrete message for incorrect entries
  • Can be used offline
  • Full control over your data
  • Validation of created invoices
  • English interface selectable
One-off acquisition costs
incl. 12 months updates*
109,90 €
per user, plus VAT.
XViewer - XRechnungen unkompliziert anzeigen lassen
The easy way to display and print XInvoices
  • Simple operation via drag and drop
  • Familiar invoice layout
  • Display, print and send invoices
  • Can be used offline
  • Full control over your data
  • Validation of external invoices
One-off acquisition costs
incl. 12 months updates*
49,90 €
per user, plus VAT.
XCloud - Die All-in-one Lösung des XCREATOR als Cloud Version
The all-in-one XCREATOR solution as a cloud version
  • No installation necessary
  • Can be tested for 30 days without restriction
  • Can be used with any standard Internet browser
  • Familiar invoice layout
  • Display, print and send invoices
  • Template function for frequent invoices
  • Concrete message for incorrect entries
  • GDPR compliant / server location Germany
  • Validation of created invoices
Annual access
incl. all updates
7,90 € / Monat
per user, plus VAT, annual prepaid payment
*Further update supply optionally available: XCreator: 79,90 € plus VAT per 12 months; XViewer: 34,90 € without VAT. per 12 months

EinfachX – Supplier portal

Are you a small public authority/institution and would like to offer your suppliers a simple and convenient way to create XRechnung invoices? With the EinfachX supplier portal, this is child’s play Like the XCreator online demo, the supplier portal can be used directly via an Internet browser and is maintained and provided by us. Once your supplier has completed the invoice data, we automatically send the finished XRechnung to you and the invoicing party. The supplier portal is easily accessible via the link Contact us for more information, a non-binding test activation and our limited early bird discount, which allows you to start from just €12 (net) per month!

EinfachX – About us

Since our foundation in 2014, we have been developing simple and fast software solutions in the areas of project, process and document management as well as electronic invoice recognition for companies and public authorities. It is always important to us that our products are easy to understand and help our customers to organise their everyday lives as conveniently and efficiently as possible. Time and again, we realised how much effort was involved in creating, sending, receiving and processing invoices and how much time it costs everyone involved. Fortunately, we were not alone with these thoughts and so the XRechnung standard was defined in Germany. Today we are pleased to be able to offer a solution for both creation and display for download. And the way we like it – with intuitive operation, maximum data protection and transparent prices!

EinfachX – Kontakt

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